Sunday, January 5, 2014

The New Year Post

I've never been a big celebratory of a new year.  To me it's been something of what's all the hype about? It's another year of life (yes that is awesome!), but it is also another year of the same mundane daily activities.  Right after welcoming that new year in, life goes right back to the same daily activities of eat, sleep, work and repeat.  
On top of it people also think it's required to make these goals to self improve. Awesome! Though my melancholy and pessimistic side always tends to get the best of me and well the whole New Years resolution is honestly like this: what a crock.  Why do you need a new year to try to self improve and better yourself?  What makes it different from waking up one morning and saying you want to start exercising on a daily schedule? Or cut that bad habit?

Though last night while at church, my pastor was giving his message.  (No message notes this time so it was really on you to take notes) Though P.Francis had some really good quotes in his sermon, one quote stuck 'How do you become a fossil? Stay in the same place for a really long time' 

In trying to defeat this melancholy and pessimistic attitude, is maybe for some people they need that new year to try to self improve and have that chance to hit the delete button.  It is better then never.  Along with who really wants to be a fossil? I sure don't.

So on top of P.F.s message of four simple ways to get a fresh start here are some of mine:

1. Exercise at least three times a week, with the goal of doing a half marathon again.
2. Shopping less to save for those home improvements that are needed.
3. Don't take yourself too seriously.  You are not a Queen ;)
4. Have mercy just as God has had mercy on you.
5. Learn how to do one thing that you've been wanting to learn how to do.

P.F.s four ways to get a fresh start:

1. Communicate, leaning on the Holy Spirit.
2. Don't ever give up doing the right things.
3. See your life from God's perspective.
4. Forgive as much as you would like to be forgiven.

And here is a little rememberance of hubs and I on our second new year as mr.&mrs. May I just say everything is better when it is in bed.  A movie and a year old bottle of sparkling cider from our wedding in bed is my kind of celebration. And when I say in bed, get your mind out of the gutter.