Saturday, September 24, 2011


good morning, almost afternoon.

this post has gotta be quick, sorry i was suppose to wake up early to go cheer on fellow colleagues on at the cliff bar, but my body could not do it.  then after head over to the habitat and see what we can score for the cheap.

so this has been something on my mind constantly and for a while. going back to school.  i know how hard it would be to make a transition of a steady income to a not so steady income, but there's also many things that are weighing in on the decision.  there's cost, going back to school for a master's would be something like an investment for me.  i don't have all the funds in the world to go back and do something that requires a master's degree, but you get little pay out of it.  location would play a big part in that means either boyfriend and i will have to do long distance and or relocate.  then there's the decision of what to go back to school for.  choosing wisely has become well so hard because there's sooo many things i'd like to do, but don't know if after pursuing it and finding out it's just not cut out for me then you gotta start over again.

ideally i'd like to find something that i can turn it into my own.  have ownership over it all. and via this post i think i now know what this blog will mainly be about.

today will be the day of the attempt of the first garden.  i am on my way of learning about farming. farms are honestly amazing.

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