Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why Hello there. I am alive!

It's been quiet some time since I last wrote.  There's been thoughts of ignoring this thing or trying to keep up with it.  I thought with the new season change, why not try to keep this up to date. Here we go.

I cannot really remember when the last post was.  I suspect sometime almost a year and a half ago.  When I was trying to get settled into this not so charming on the outside, but oh so charming on the inside house the Q-Tip and I were renting.

Now I can say, it's that time to move out.  It's been at least a year and a half, that was all we were set to lease it out for.  I can say it's been fun and I will miss this place, but there will be a few things I will not miss about this place.  The coldness, all of the cracks between the doors and windows, the spiders, the moths and all of the little bugs.

What else has happened, well I can say Bit's and I tied the knot almost three weeks ago! All of the advice I received and all of the blog post I read could not have prepared me for this day.  It was a wonderful moment, truly something I want to remember forever.  In time I will write you a detailed entry about the grand event.  From the smells to the feelings and foods.  Overall it was a fun time.  

Sorry for no pictures with this post, maybe I will come back and update it later with pictures.  Till then it's time for me to get packing so I can get moving to home making.  

I will have to say Q, I am gonna miss you soo dearly.  It made me cry when I REALLY (and I mean REALLY) realized we won't be living with each other.

Till then, cheers.

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