Wednesday, September 14, 2011


moving day has come and gone. really though i should say moving weekend has come and gone.  i've moved many a times during college and after it was never this much work before.  for the most part the furniture has been cleaned and placed in a location.  with the exception of two items.  unpacking there are still boxes that need to be unpacked.  in the hunt for a table to place in the dinning room, a butlers tray to use in the kitchen for more work space, and an adult bed (ikea did not have 2 pieces of the bed i wanted in stock).  accessories are needed, but there is limited funding for these items.  ideally ikat curtains (westelm has them on sale, but that's a big chunk of money i do not have), a zigzag rug, and other random accessories to have.  but it takes time so we shall see...along with seeing how it will mesh with the 70s era furniture and tacky futon that needs sprucing up.

courtesy of
courtesy of
courtesy of luisa design

technically, i should be saving and purging down on items.  well good luck to me.

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